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Monday, December 22, 2008

Great game continues; Round 3 of the neo-con agenda.

Talha Mujaddidi
Dec 13th 2008

Point of this article is to identify some thought provoking points about the Mumbai attacks, with historical background. Then to focus on U.S, Israeli, and Indian assault against Pakistan. Then to focus on greater agenda that Uncle Sam has for this region.

Part 1
Analysis of the Drama

Now that the dust is beginning to settle down after the Mumbai drama it is time that I shed some relevant light on this topic. The problem with modern day media is that in times of security crisis, it becomes just an arm of a nation’s foreign policy. As far as Indian media is concerned it’s more than just an arm of Indian foreign policy, it’s their mouthpiece. India, we should all remember is nothing like U.S. Until early 90’s it was staunchly a socialist country. Everything was state owned. India was in Soviet Camp from the day one. Pakistan from day one was in U.S and British Camp. There is a huge difference in the mindset of people who grew up in Pakistan at the height of cold war then those who grew up in India. The point is that no matter what the world media tells us and what the Indian media tells us the mindset of average Indian is democratic but the mindset of their foreign policy is nowhere close to democratic. It is in fact, very conservative mindset and it is based on Chankya’s ideology. Who was Chankya? and what was his ideology? this is a long debate. The bottom line is India’s military establishment, their intelligence agencies, and their foreign policy is still working on Chankya’s ideology. The synopsis of that ideology is that all of India’s neighbors are its enemies and all of the neighbors of India’s neighbors are India’s friends. That’s why India has bad relations with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and even Bhutan. India has always had very good relations with Afghanistan, Iran, and Russia. Chankya ideology also states clearly that India is the super power of the region (Bharat Mata), and all its neighboring countries are its proxies or satellites only. This is from where the rhetoric of regional economic block, regional zone and nefarious designs like that comes from. This understanding is very important before we move on to the Mumbai attacks.

When a terrorist attack takes place the first thing to ask is who is the target? Who benefits from it? Who is the net loser? and who gets to gain strategic objectives? The most important thing is how the entire scenario unfolds in a terrorist attack. As soon as the attacks took place entire Indian media, started saying that Pakistan is behind these attacks. This is not surprising; India has a history of pointing fingers at Pakistan. After Samjotha Express was burned, and 68 people were burned alive, mostly Pakistanis, they pointed the finger at Pakistan and ISI, it turned out the real culprits were their own splinter cell of Hindu extremist who had infiltrated into their intelligence agencies. Lt. Col. Purohit was the culprit who confessed masterminding the attacks; it’s extremely alarming that serving Indian army colonel who has worked for their intelligence agencies is involved in terrorist activities. The chief investigating officer was Haimant Karkare. Interestingly he was the one who was killed as soon as this drama started. What a perfect time to kill the man who is trying to catch a group of terrorist. When Indian Embassy in Kabul was bombed they pointed the finger to ISI, when asked for evidence they could not present any evidence. Talat Hussain of Aaj News presented concrete evidence in his show proving that Pakistan has nothing to do with this attack. Neither Pakistan nor any group from Pakistan could have been involved in this staged drama. His show is available on the internet and is a must watch. The entire drama is now unfolding and Indian media itself is exposing the flawed theories, and fake information that was given out. First the media said that Deccan Mujahedeen named group has claimed responsibility. All I can do with this regard is to quote Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International and Indian himself, he said that this is all baseless allegations, and Hyderabad Deccan has never produced any terrorist ever. As far as the Al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba accusation goes, Christine Fair, a senior political scientist and South Asia expert at the RAND Corporation, was interviewed by several publications regarding the Mumbai tragedy and repeatedly stated, “There’s absolutely nothing Al Qaeda-like about it. Did you see any suicide bombers? And there are no fingerprints of Lashkar. They don’t do hostage-taking, and they don’t do grenades.”

Lashkar has always claimed responsibility for any attacks that they have done, and they have never attacked civilians. In 2001, after Indian parliament was attacked India started blaming Lashkar for the attacks but never came out with any evidence till this day. They blamed Lashkar for Samjotha Express but it turned out that their own extremist Hindus were involved led by Col. Purohit. Lashkar has been involved with fighting Indian army and police in occupied Kashmir until Musharraf put a stop to that in 2002. Since then Lashkar has been busy social activities. They worked the most in Kashmir area after the earthquake. During that time army medical corps of different countries was there working side by side Lashkar. American and Pakistani intelligence agencies have been keeping an eye on Lashkar's movement since then. In this circumstance it’s really difficult for Lashkar to organize any act of terror. Lashkar’s history also shows that it has only been interested in fighting for Kashmir cause. Indian public and their media are now realizing that Pakistan had nothing to do with these attacks and now people are voicing their opinions. Salman Khan, famous Bollywood star said that Pakistan had nothing to do with these attacks. “In an interview aired on CNN-IBN on Tuesday, December 8, Salman Khan slammed terrorists but defended Pakistan saying it too was a victim of terrorism.”Pakistan itself is in the grip of terrorism - Benazir Bhutto was killed, multiple attempts were made to assassinate President Pervez Musharraf's life, the Marriott hotel was blown up. "I don't read Pakistani news papers but when such incidents occur there; do they blame India for it? No."

The point to think about is what can Pakistan gain by organizing such attacks? Nothing. No political or strategic advantage at all. Our army is busy fighting Indian-CIA sponsored terrorists in our Tribal Areas. Our economy is in a bad shape, our government is unstable, and there are numerous issues within Pakistan, like law and order issue, judiciary issue. Pakistan cannot possibly gain anything by organizing such attacks. It’s interesting to note that as soon as the attacks took place India started by demanding Dawood Ibrahim, Chota Shakeel and Tiger Memon from Pakistan. Then all of a sudden this demand died down. Condi Rice came on TV and said that we have evidence that Lashkar is behind these attacks. Why did the U.S. take over the Indian demand to handover Dawood Ibrahim and co? Answer lies in Wayne Madsen’s analysis. Madsen is a journalist, and author. Madsen was in U.S Naval Intelligence then spent time in National Security Agency (NSA, the second most powerful intelligence agency in U.S). all in all he has twenty years of experience in intelligence affairs. “ The first question he raises is with respect to the so-called security-camera shot of the alleged terrorist, Qasab (the terrorist shown on TV repeatedly, who was wearing Hindu saffron band in his right hand, Its almost laughable, the entire footage that is!). “The angle,” Madsen argues, “is too narrow for a train station which would have a wider angle and be shot from higher up than the photo being shopped by Indian police.”
Dawood Ibrahim, one of the 20 fugitives on India’s demand list, is someone that Madsen too feels may be involved, however. But Madsen claims that India is trying to boost the Lashkar-e-Taiba’s involvement in the Mumbai attacks while downplaying the role of Ibrahim. The son of a Mumbai police constable, Ibrahim has informants and agents peppered throughout Indian police. Yet, Madsen states that “there is also evidence that rightwing Hindu elements of RAW were aware of Ibrahim’s hit on Mumbai beforehand but allowed it to play out in order to carry out a “soft coup” by rightwing Hindu nationalists against the Congress government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Madsen further makes the claim that more than one group may have been involved in the terrorism. On the one hand, Ibrahim and his group may have attacked the Oberoi-Trident and Chabad House, where large numbers of Israelis were present, who may have been working for the Russian-Israeli mafia that was poised to rival Ibrahim’s gangs in their drug and other smuggling operations. Chabad Houses, Madsen claims, have often been used as fronts for money laundering operations. Moreover, “the Oberoi hostages were shot in the back of their heads, a typical gangland execution method preferred by Ibrahim and not the firing squad method used by Lashkar,” Madsen explains.

Madsen also believes that some of the terrorists were Hindus, tipped off by RAW officials who sympathize with rightwing Hindus and who learned of the attack beforehand but did not act to prevent it. According to Madsen, the Hindu terrorists killed Hemant Karkare in “false flag” attacks later blamed on the Muslims. Madsen also believes that the photograph being splashed around in the media of one alleged Qasab
is actually one of the Hindu terrorist? According to Madsen, Ibrahim has ties that link him to some of India’s most prominent politicians and Bollywood stars, not to mention the extensive connections in Mumbai’s very corrupt police force. If Madsen is to be believed, Ibrahim was also an on-and-off CIA asset, and could potentially uncover very embarrassing ties to Langley”.

There are ample reports and news articles that can point out severe flaws in the entire drama that took place in Mumbai. Bottom line is that India is now in a position to gain upper hand and it has done so. First attempt was to start propaganda and media warfare against Pakistan. This failed miserably thanks to our media. Times of India, Hindu, and other Indian newspaper had to acknowledge that the Indian media onslaught was ripped apart by Pakistani media. Sadly, as always Pakistan has lost ground at the diplomatic front. This has been Pakistan’s failure since Tashkent Agreement. Pakistan always loses the battle at the diplomatic front. This is because of our incompetent, corrupt, sellout leaders and governments. With this background in mind it is important to realize the great game that is being played on in this region and in particularly in Pakistan. India had many things to gain from all this. They have cornered us diplomatically, they are pressurizing us militarily. They have the sympathies of U.S and the rest of the world. Out of 600 districts of India independence movement is going on in 208 districts. All the Eastern States from Assam down to Tamil Nadu are busy fighting for their independence. The Naxalite Movement going on in the seven sister states has been called the gravest threat to the Indian federation by Manmohan Singh. Extremist Hindus are on a killing rampage. Thousands of churches have been burned, not only is the violence directed towards Muslims, Christians, and other minorities but also Dalit, the low caste Hindus, themselves. These attacks put tremendous pressure on Congress government, and takes pressure off of BJP and its extremist parties.

What are the main objectives of India, Israel, and U.S? With regards to pakistan, these three countries form a nexus. They have common agenda for the most part. They want to finish off our nuclear program, disband our eyes and ears i.e. the ISI, break pakistan into three or four smaller parts since it is easier to govern a country with 180 million people if its broken down into smaller pieces, disband our army, make pakistan a satellite state of India, just like Nepal or Bangladesh. These are the real designs of U.S, Israel and India troika. These designs are not so hidden anymore either. Pakistan and Afghanistan are already part of Middle East in the new Middle East plan that U.S is working on since 9/11. At the turn of the twentieth century during the first and Second World War periods, and between the world wars, the British Empire drew maps of all the countries in the Middle East and most countries in Africa. U.S now wants to change this map again in order to consolidate its position in Middle East, and Central Asia. Hence the term ‘redrawing the map of middle east’ is used by Western think tanks again and again.

India is now a strategic ally of U.S. India is moving its troops into Afghanistan, so that it can corner Pakistan from both fronts. U.S wants India to move its troops into Afghanistan so that they can support U.S and NATO troops in the war against Taliban. Intelligence agency for any country is the first line of defense. It’s the eyes and ears without which any military force can’t function. All western and Indian propaganda against ISI are baseless and ridiculous. All officers of ISI are taken from the armed forces. There can be no political appointee. Where as RAW, in India has political appointees, during the last BJP government there were many political appointees in RAW. Once ISI disbanded our nuclear weapons will be compromised, and Pakistan will be a walk over for Indian military. The important thing to keep in mind for all those pacifist, candle light vigilantes, is that peace process between India and Pakistan only started after Pakistan became a declared nuclear power. That is when India understood that war between two nuclear power countries cannot be thought about. That’s when confidence building measures, trade links, cultural exchanges, sports, etc, took place. As long as Pakistan was not a declared nuclear weapon state India maintained a threatening attitude towards Pakistan. Without nuclear weapons I can say confidently that India will leave no chance to annihilate us. The problem with Western experts on South Asia is that they don’t understand the dynamics of Pakistan – India conflict. The root cause of conflict between Pakistan and India is that of Kashmir. Without the resolution of this conflict permanent peace between India and Pakistan cannot be achieved. There is peace in Europe today because they have resolved their problems and disputes and all countries treat each other with equal respect. Not to forget that two brutal world wars were fought in Europe that completely devastated Europe. After such devastation Europe got together and realized that mutual peace is must for coexistence. Peace between two countries can only be on equal terms. U.S and Soviet Union were able to co-exist because both had nuclear weapons. It’s not possible that Pakistan as a country is allowed to be destroyed while India remains intact and remains prosperous. When experts come on TV they say that extremist on both sides don’t want peace. This is utter rubbish. Only extremist in India don’t want peace with Pakistan! Why? Because in order for Pakistan and India to have lasting peace Kashmir dispute must be resolved according to the wishes of the Kashmiri people. Does anyone in Pakistan not want resolution of Kashmir dispute? No. Is there anyone in India who doesn’t want resolution of Kashmir? Yes, their military establishment, their foreign policy establishment, BJP led extremist parties, and majority of the Indian people. Why do they not want the resolution of Kashmir dispute? Firstly they call it their internal issue and say it is our ‘Atut Tang’. Secondly, there are so many independence movements going on inside India that they can’t afford setting an example of Kashmiri independence. Recall that India functions on Bharat Mata ideology and they will never give up Kashmir. Everyone in Pakistan is ready for resolution of Kashmir dispute so it’s baseless to say that hawkish elements in Pakistan do not want good relations with India. RSS, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, and even members of BJP have openly said again and again that Pakistan must be destroyed. These are not just small groups; these parties have formed government in India. There are no groups in Pakistan that have ever called to destruction of India. Only group that has called for destruction of India is Hizbut-Tehreer, which is based and operates from U.K, and has not been added to the list of terrorist organizations by Britain.

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