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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Solution is a complete U – Turn!!!

This article will be in two parts and contains many historical events that can’t be covered in detail here only the gist of it is mentioned here. If you need to know more details about historical events than feel free to ask.

Pakistan finds itself in a quagmire today. It’s really a very bad situation for Pakistan at the moment. There is a way out of this mess that has been created by Neo-cons Zionist. But before we get to that solution we have to recognize in more detail what is going on in our country?

After the brutal bombing of Marriott hotel, U.S and our media have labeled the ongoing war on terror as ‘Pakistan’s War’. The U.S wants us to believe that U.S ‘war on terror’ is also Pakistan’s war. This line was picked up by our CIA sponsored government. Then the media tagged along with this statement. What does our president keep saying again and again? Pakistan needs to be saved. Why? Is Pakistan going to be finished? What does General Patraeus keep saying? He says that Pakistan needs to be saved and for that U.S military needs to do airstrikes inside Pakistan? Why? Is Pakistan going to be finished? Seems like someone wants that and our president is tagging along the slogan.

First of all what is America’s War on Terror? When Bush announced his plan for war against terror he used the famous slogan ‘you are with us or against us’ and he used the term ‘Crusades’ in his speech. This was clear enough message for the entire Muslim world to realize that this war on terror would be nothing more than a war against Muslim world. The Crusades was a Holy War that lasted around two centuries. The Crusades was basically Christian Europe’s combined effort to attack and conquer Jerusalem and other parts of Middle East in the name of Christianity from Muslim control. It was a Holy War as pope Urban called it, against the infidel Muslims. When the Muslim world was battling to survive against the crusaders a group of Takfiri (heretic Muslims who think that all other Muslims are kafir) Muslims started creating havoc amongst the Muslims by declaring war on Muslims. This was Hashshashin sect (the word assassin came from Hashshashin), Hashshashins were Muslims who had becomed Heretics believing that other Muslims are Kafir (infidels) and need to be killed by any means necessary. Their doctrine was known as Fedayeen (a person ready to sacrifice his life for a mission). While the Muslim armies were fighting the Crusaders, these Hashshashins also declared war on Muslims. Muslims had to fight with two brutal armies at the same time. Often the Hashshashins would fight along with the crusaders against the Muslim armies. They would assassinate Muslim scholars, political leaders, and civilians ruthlessly.

With this history in mind we should recognize that America’s war on terror is not any Muslim nation’s war. Communism was the main threat to Western ideology (Capitalism) after the Second World War. After the collapse of communism Francis Fukuyama said that ‘it’s the end of history’, meaning that no other ideology is left to challenge capitalism. But the Neo-Cons were not convinced; they wanted to destroy political Islam. Political Islam is basically a system that has challenged American hegemony in different parts of the world. Khomeini’s revolution in Iran was part of political Islam. His revolution kicked out American backed Shah and his thugs from Iran. Similarly Hezbollah in Lebanon is another group that is a political Islam entity. Afghan war against Soviets was also a struggle of political Islam. There are still other groups throughout the Muslim world that will never accept American hegemony in Muslim countries. The biggest target for the neo-cons is Pakistan and Iran at the moment. This was mentioned clearly by Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. They said that we can never accept nuclear weapons of Pakistan and Iran because they pose significant threat to Israel. This and other statements of both Republican and Democratic Party members give support to the analysis of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in their best seller book “The Israel lobby and the U.S foreign policy” that U.S foreign policy is severely under influence from Zionist Jews supported by Neo-con Zionist. It is clear that U.S foreign policy has been hijacked by Zionist Jews and their main target is the destruction of Pakistan and Iran’s nuclear weapons followed by both countries becoming local American proxies like Egypt, Jordan or Iran was under Shah’s rule. Why can’t Muslim nations have nuclear weapons? When no Muslim country has said that Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal pose threat to the Muslim world than how come the Israelis are scared of our nuclear weapons? In fact in 1973 Arab-Israel war it were the Israelis who blackmailed Kissinger that they would drop nuclear bombs on Egypt and Saudi Arabia if the U.S doesn’t force Egypt to ceasefire.

When Pakistan joined U.S in its war on terror we made a U-turn in our already flawed Afghan policy. There were to be more grave errors made by Musharraf either knowingly or unknowingly. When the Taliban were ruling in Afghanistan we had no problem with them at all. Taliban destroyed poppy cultivation in their country. They kicked out all those who were Indian assets and anti-Pakistani assets from power. No terrorist ever came from Afghanistan into Pakistan. We did not even require 5000 soldiers on Pak-Afghan border. There is no doubt that Taliban’s internal governing policies were flawed. But a lot of that had to do with Afghan culture and nothing to do with Islam. Go to Afghanistan now you will still find majority of the women wearing full burka and being beaten around by their men. These are part of those brutal Afghan cultural traits that Afghans still follow. Islam is not flawed religion and neither is Islam’s political system if it is implemented in its purity. Yvonne Ridley, the British journalist who was kidnapped by Taliban during their rule, remained their captive and was then released. She converted to Islam after her release. Now she campaigns for Islam throughout the world. If Islam is preached properly to non-Muslims mostly they will recognize the beauty of Islam. The point is that as far as Pakistan was concerned we had no trouble what so ever with Taliban. Benazir who was prime minister at that time supported Pakistan maintaining diplomatic relationship with Taliban government and she was right.

When we ditched Taliban to fight with the U.S against the Taliban we sold our sovereignty for security since we were scared that U.S would attack Pakistan in its anger over 9/11 and send us back to stone age, a claim that in itself is misleading and unconfirmed. Well to bad, today U.S military has said clearly that they will continue attacking us until they are satisfied. Otto Von Bismarck the German Chancellor and political thinker said correctly that ‘those nations who barter away their sovereignty for security shall neither get sovereignty nor security’. This is what happened to us after Musharraf made that fatal u-turn. Today our security situation is a mess and our sovereignty is molested everyday by U.S military. The real question that Musharraf and we as a nation should have asked us after 9/11 is ‘do you like to be killed by your own brother or your enemy?’ We chose to be killed by our own brother. This is what we have achieved. While our security agencies were busy hunting Al-Qaeda and runaway Taliban members inside Pakistan, U.S, and India and newly created Afghan intelligence agency (NDS) were busy plotting and planning against Pakistan. Their first step was to make a new group inside Pakistan based on the same ideology of Hashshashins. They created Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). During the Afghan war the Soviets tried many times to give money and weapons to tribal elders in Pakistan’s tribal area and tried very hard to make them fight against Pakistan but they did not. Sometimes they even took money but still never fired a bullet against Pakistan. The Americans knew this history so they created TTP led by Abdullah Mehsud and his brother Baitullah in FATA area and Maulvi Fazullah in Swat area. The question here is that how come there were no suicide bombers in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004? Baitullah mehsud was there armed and ready but he did not attack anyone. Fazlullah was there too in Swat, he has been there since 1995. It was U.S pressure on Musharraf to attack these people first and start military operation in Waziristan that started this war. There is no doubt that TTP is a deadly anti-Pakistan, RAW and CIA supported Takfiri terrorist cult but still Musharraf was the first to start fighting with them. After Oklahoma bombings in Oklahoma City, Timothy Mcveigh who was responsible for the bombing was sentenced to death. Was he acting alone? No, he represented the hate filled neo-Nazi ideology that white supremacist groups follow in U.S. like Michigan militia and others; there are hundreds of these groups inside U.S calling for a bloody revolt against other races inside the U.S. After the bombings Clinton who was president at that time could have started a campaign against such groups most of these groups were armed and were considered dangerous. Why did Clinton not resort to anything like that? Simply because it’s not advisable to provoke a cult that is ready to kill civilians and is ready to die defending their ideology. You have to neutralize such groups through dialogue and better police work. That’s what the Americans did in their own country. Pakistan provoked them first then we allowed the U.S military to continue missile strikes in FATA which resulted in killing of innocent people. This was the beginning of the chaos. Following that a series of deadly suicide bombings started creating carnage in our country. Uncle Sam was not satisfied with the workings of ISI they did not trust the ISI. They persuaded Musharraf to start a campaign against Lal Masjid. Contrary to the popular opinion that Lal Masjid suddenly became flashpoint of huge proportions that needed to be dealt with in terms of firepower the reality is that the entire scene was created systematically. There is no doubt the Maulvi Rasheed and Ghazi took the bait that was setup for them and resorted to such acts but the way Musharraf handled it was neither wise nor was reflective of his commando past. Root cause of terrorism is always political injustice, racism, cast, creed, religion, nationalism, communism, acts as catalysts. As noted by Professor Robert Pape of University of Chicago, “Beneath the religious rhetoric with which [such terror] is perpetrated, it occurs largely in the service of secular aims. Suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation rather than a product of Islamic fundamentalism. Though it speaks of Americans as infidels, Al-Qaeda is less concerned with converting us to Islam than removing us from Arab and Muslim lands”.

The recent research study by RAND Corporation tells us that up to forty three percent of all terrorist groups since 1968 were diffused by involving them into political process, forty percent were neutralized by better police work, ten percent achieved victory, and only seven percent were crushed by brute military force. The report says “How do terrorist groups end? The evidence since 1968 indicates that terrorist groups rarely cease to exist as a result of winning or losing a military campaign. Rather, most groups end because of operations carried out by local police or intelligence agencies or because they join the political process. This suggests that the United States should pursue a counterterrorism strategy against Al Qaeda that emphasizes policing and intelligence gathering rather than a “war on terrorism” approach that relies heavily on military force”. Like IRA in Ireland, Basque separatists, and other examples. The report also shows that force cannot crush militant group. If such was the case than Sri Lanka would have been able to crush Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka and Israel would have been able to crush Hezbollah in 2006, although it has been trying to do so since 1980’s. While British Ambassador to Afghanistan, NATO commander in Afghanistan, U.S officials, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and the U.N are all saying that it’s time to bring Taliban into mainstream political process and have dialogue with them and that Taliban can’t be crushed by sheer force, our president Zardari is saying that ‘we will completely crush the Taliban’. Such statements made by him are utter nonsense, laughable, deplorably and shows his total lack of understanding of the situation. Taliban are not just some small group of guerillas, they represent entire Pashtun population both in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

This is the brief look at events of the past. What is the situation right now? American war on terror is not ours. They killed hundreds and thousands of people in Afghanistan and at least one million in Iraq in the name of war on terror. They also kill our people, including women and children in FATA under the pretext of war on terror. So it’s clearly not our war. Our Yankee puppet government keeps saying so but it is a bluff. Our war is the war against TTP and their supporters mainly Indian intelligence agency RAW and Afghan intelligence agency NDS and their allies. This is our real war! As mentioned Pakistan has now reached a point where so many fatal policy errors have been made that it is not easy to escape this catch-22. Why are we not winning this war? According to some of our media, opposition politicians, senior journalist, political analyst, retired generals, our government does not have the guts to tell the country that Afghanistan, India, and CIA are responsible for creating troubles inside Pakistan and supporting TTP and other groups like BLA. We are fighting TTP and inflicting upon them severe casualties. But this is only 50% of the fight. How can we win against Afghan-India supported war when our president is hugging Hamid Karzai who is our biggest enemy? How can we win when our government allows transit trade to India for Afghanistan so that Indian cargo through Wagha border can go unchecked into Afghanistan even if it is carrying weapons for TTP? The governments claim that there is no concrete evidence against RAW or NDS is a blunt white lie.

To be concluded.
Talha Mujaddidi
Oct 11th 2008