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Friday, May 9, 2008

Terrorism in Pakistan

After a general discussion of terrorism and counter-terrorism we now take a look at recent wave of terrorism in Pakistan and its causes. As discussed in the first part of this series of articles, terrorism is of two types the good terrorism and bad terrorism i.e. terrorism and counter-terrorism. Terrorism in Pakistan is not a new phenomenon, there was always violence involved in political spectrum of Pakistan. The recent spell of terrorism has seen new dimensions that were absent from the ugly spell of terrorism in Pakistan. Recently we have seen suicide bombings in Pakistan that have been blamed on militant groups like “local Taliban” and Al-Qaeda. In this second article on this topic we shall have a look at the background of these terrorist activities.

During the 80’s Afghanistan was under Soviet occupation, as we all know that the famous Afghan Jihad was waged during this time. Once again Afghanistan is under occupation by American and NATO troops. The difference is that Pakistan is at the wrong side of the equation this time. During the last Afghan war, Pakistan took the task of setting up base camps for training the Mujahideen who were pouring in from different parts of the Islamic world to fight against the Red army. The policy makers in Pakistan at that time led by General Zia and his military planners took the task of planning, logistics, and finances in their hands. The CIA was neither interested nor invited to set up base camp here or move around freely inside Pakistan. At that time Bin Laden and other militants were called terrorist by Soviet Union, while Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and United States called them freedom fighters. Today the same Mujahideen are called terrorist by United States, Pakistan and others.

Tables were suddenly turned after 9/11, when Pakistan was asked to make up its mind immediately after President Bush declared furiously “you are either with us or against us”. Pakistan agreed to join US in its War against Terror. The problem was the Pakistan agreed to each and every demand that the US had given Pakistan. When we examine the two policies with regards to Afghan wars, we see that unlike the 80’s this time Pakistan allowed the US to set up base camp inside Pakistan. The US military was also allowed bases and airfields for logistic support. Once the war to oust Taliban was over, US set up a government in Afghanistan that included elements who are very anti-Pakistan to say the least. Right away India was allowed to setup its consulates in different cities in Afghanistan. The runaway dissidents of Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) are also given sanctuary in Kandahar, where the Indian consulate provides them with training, weapons and ideology to go back into Pakistan and create law and order problems.

In 2003 the US asked Pakistan to start a military operation in Waziristan area. According to the US there was strong indication from intelligence sources that Al-Qaeda and Taliban were regrouping in Federal Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan particularly Waziristan. The US put tremendous pressure on Pakistan to start a military operation in Waziristan. Succumbing to pressure Pakistan started sending troops inside Waziristan. For operations like the one in Waziristan Pyrrhus of Epirus is quoted to have said “one more such victory and we have had it”. The history of military adventurism in the tribal areas pointed clearly towards disaster. The British also tried to conquer this area during the early part of their rule of Indian sub-continent but failed miserably. Pakistan persisted with the operation despite continued difficulties. The local militant or Taliban as they are often called are angry at Pakistan government for allying itself with America and its allies. The local Afghans and the ousted Taliban both see their country Afghanistan occupied by American and NATO troops. The sentiment of the Pashtun population in Northern Areas, FATA, and NWFP is also against American occupation. The failure of Karzai government to provide, employment, security, development to any part of the country other than Kabul has further fuelled the notion that Karzai government is a mere puppet of the US and a total failure. The US military mischievously has repeatedly fired its hell fire missiles from unmanned spy planes that have only resulted in killing innocent civilians. This action has created further hatred against the US military. Every time such incidents took place the Pakistani government made the fatal mistake of owning the US military strikes by saying that that strikes were carried out by Pakistan Army.

The terrorist acts in Pakistan intensified after 2005 and suicide bombings started taking place in Pakistan at alarming rate. 2007 was the most horrific year for Pakistan when it comes to suicide bombings and other bomb blasts. At least 66 bomb blasts took place in 2007 alone. The policy maintained by President Musharraf’s government might have served some interest of the US but it was totally out of sync with Pakistan’s national interest. The first mistake in the policy is that there was no definition of terrorism. A clear line should have been drawn as to who the Pakistan government is going to label terrorist and who would not be labeled as a terrorist. Right now anyone who is against American occupation in Afghanistan is labeled a terrorist. Wrong policies and persistent yielding to American pressure provided golden opportunity to India and its intelligence agencies to exploit the law and order situation in Pakistan. Whenever the Pakistani leadership tried to negotiate with the Taliban or other militant groups the local tribal elder or the political agent was mysteriously assassinated by unknown gunmen.

The situation in Waziristan was not stable when a new front was setup in Swat. The problem in Swat was not new and had started in 1995-96 when PPP was in government. It was diffused peacefully, and local Sharia courts were allowed to operate in the area. The real question to ponder upon is how a new front was started in Swat? Who was behind the arms and logistic supplies that the militants were receiving? According to former interior minister Naseerullah Babur, India is behind the support that the militants are getting in Swat.

The situation in Northern tribal belt is bleak to say the least. Western media, Afghan, United States, and the British governments are repeatedly saying that the situation is Afghanistan is not improving because Pakistan’s tribal area is a base for Al-Qaeda, and Taliban. There is something wrong with this statement. The first problem is that the real struggle that is going on in Afghanistan is not near Pak-Afghan border but in southern region of Afghanistan. Until recently there was no American or NATO troop’s presence near the Pak-Afghan border but the border was manned by Afghan army. In 2001 right after the American attack on Afghanistan commenced, the American started air strikes at Tora Bora mountain region. But the Americans did not man Pak-Afghan border area before starting their bombing campaign. The result was that the Bin Laden, most of Al-Qaeda and Taliban fled into Pakistan’s Tribal belt.

Since then there has been immense pressure on Pakistan government to do more to crush these elements which are hostile to American occupation of Afghanistan. The situation in tribal areas has not improved and the current situation is still volatile. Why is it that the US is so persistent in continuing a military operation in Waziristan and adjoining area? What is really at stake there in that region for Uncle Sam? What strategic interest does China has in Pakistan and its tribal areas? What are the intentions of our eastern neighbor India?

To be concluded

Talha Mujaddidi

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