Basically this bomb blast was not a suicide bombing and even if it was then the suicide bomber failed miserably , the two suicide bombers were not dumb enough to detonate 10 feet away from BB’s truck, they could have easily detonated it right next to her truck. A lot of investigative journalists have pointed out that vast majority of bombings that take place in Iraq are labeled as suicide bombings, are in fact remote detonation masterly orchestrated by CIA thugs and their cronies the Private Military Corporations (PMC's). We should ask this simple question that last month the suicide bomber was able to penetrate the highest level of security and enter in to Tarbella Ghazi commando regiments mess and detonate the bomb there, but he was unable to target BB’s truck, and he was only waiting all day for the moment when BB was safely down inside the truck although she was on top of the truck for hours long. Also last month suicide bomber that struck the bus that was carrying ISI personal to work had minute to minute knowledge and details about the entire scenario as if provided by some one from either inside the agency or someone from another superior agency. All this seems like a lot of Hollywood style melodrama to me.
This bombing was done by CIA as most others similar to the one that killed Rafique Harriri in Lebanon (the purpose there was to get rid of Syria from Lebanon and pave way for Israel to attack Hezbollah in south Lebanon, which they did in summer of 06, but after getting nailed in south Lebanon for a month Israel had to pull back all it could handle was loss of 125 soldiers, and the glass tower of wishful thinking came crashing down).
The purpose of this bombing is to create a moral emotional attachment through the media in minds of Pakistani public for PPP so that in the coming elections people can absorb the surprise of the seats that PPP will get. Already the media has become more biased towards PPP twisting the news and creating hype about the whole issue. Noam Chomsky's “manufacturing consent, political economy of mass media" is a must read in this regard.
The purpose of this bombing is also to divide Pakistani political parties along the lines of moderate forces and extremist forces. Anyone who does not bow down to American agenda is extremist. Unfortunately almost all of our political parties even "Maulana diesel "are happy to sell their loyalties again and again just for a few Benjamin's.
CIA has a tarnished brutal history of playing double game in different parts of the world. In the Iran-Iraq war they openly supported Saddam and then Israel through the black market gave weapons to Iran. They openly supported Hamas when it was created now they support Fattah openly while making sure that guns used by Hamas are not short of bullets. Lists of examples are too long to discuss here. Most brilliant example is of Iran at time of Khomeini’s revolution, the protesters who started the riots against the Shah of Iran were on the pay roll of CIA. The supporters of Shah who initially fought back were also serving the same master. Here also they are supporting all sides Mush-BB on political front, Pakistan army on military front and Al Qaeda on the militant front. Purpose is to completely drain Pakistan politically, militarily, and to drain Taliban and those elements that might be a threat to American interest in Afghanistan and Pakistan in future. The elections as always will be engineered; in fact the engineering is already complete. Any fair and free elections in any part of the Muslim world or Latin America or other parts of the world will result in anti American forces. Latest example is Islamic parties winning in Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, anti American forces in Venezuela , Bolivia, Spain, Mexico would also have been on the list had the CIA not rigged the elections the last minute.
People of Pakistan will never accept any political arrangement made by Zionist neo cons in Langley. This is not a battle between moderates/liberals and fundamentalist/extremists, this is a clash of the will, the will of the majority of the people of this world to survive and defy American global hegemonic agenda. This is a battle that can not be won by brute force and daisy cutter bombs. This battle is not just a battle it is a legacy of all the great leaders of the world who fought and gave their lives but never bowed their necks in front of a super powers malicious desires. Struggle that was sparked by Tipu Sultan, Omar Mukhtar, Ernesto Che Guevara, Shah Faisal, Ho Chi Minh, Hassan Nasarullah is not complete and will not be until their is political justice in this world.
Talha Mujaddidi
This is my blog designed for the purpose of intellectual discussion on current affairs, politics, pertaining to Pakistan first then other issues later. You can provide ur input through comments, and also email me any links or related information that you want to share with everyone.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
You can’t fight this Clash of Wills!!!!!
"The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but we the underlings" Julius Ceaser by Shakespeare
It’s like a cheap code of a computer program, if all else fail then coup/emergency. Perhaps it’s a bad nightmare in which a person is having another nightmare and wakes up only to find out that the nightmare is still going on.
The only thing that is different about the latest emergency deceleration is that it is part of
US wanted an ideal pro-American government in
For Musharraf should have thought about all this before bowing down his head in front of US after 9/11, things would have not been much different but at least Pakistanis would not have been killing fellow countrymen.
Current emergency will bring more carnage to
There’s a jungle, it is divided into two parts by a pond of water. A rabbit desperately wants to cross the pond to go to the other side. There is a big six feet problem, a monster of an alligator (gator), who rules the pond. Gator asks the rabbit what troubles you buddy. Rabbit says, I want to cross the pond but I am afraid you will try to kill me. Oh, who told you such rubbish replied the gator. I am nothing but friendly and kind. Come with me and I will take you across. Reluctantly the rabbit hops onto the back of the gator and entered into a journey of “unholy alliance”. Half way into the journey, the gator says to the rabbit, see I am not monster, you just relax soon we will be on the other side. When the journey was about to be over the gator flipped tossing the rabbit into the pond and then the rest is as they say history.
Pakistan too is on a journey with its ally the United States, this journey is on a ship. There’s a storm in the sea causing damage to the ship and soon the ship will sink. Should Pakistan jump into the sea? Maybe Pakistan too like Jonah (pbuh) will survive the storm. The other choice is to remain on the ship; unfortunately the half life of the ship is not long. But the choice is not really for Pakistan to make, since Uncle Sam happens to be the skipper of the ship and without his consent no one can leave the ship. Such is the quagmire where Pakistan finds itself today. It’s more than just a catch-22. Most of the scenes we are witnessing today in the length and breadth of the country are result of our own decision making. Ironically they are also reminiscent of similar events that took place in Latin American countries throughout the 80’s and 90’s. Fate has a cruel sense of humor, that too in the form of Negroponte, John, the newly appointed US Deputy Secretary of State and former intelligence czar. Suffice is to say that he was the bird under whose eye view, Honduras, Panama, and Mexico witnessed scenes of carnage. The bird was recently in Pakistan too. According to Noam Chomsky, “In the Regan-Bush administration, he was ambassador of Honduras, running the world’s largest CIA station, not because of the grand role of Honduras in world affairs but because Honduras was the primary US base for the international terrorist war for which Washington was condemned by the International Court of Justice and the UN Security Council. There was virtually no reaction to the appointment of a leading international terrorist to the top counterterrorism position in the world.”
What happened in Lal Masjid is now well known but unknown are the answers to tough questions. The situation that is emerging in the after math of Lal Masjid is very bleak, and grim. Since Musharaf came to power the country is being divided into two distinct segments. The elite-liberal Left and the religious Right. Religious right is a very broad term but at the moment the mantra that emerges from the western media and to a certain extent our own media make the spectrum of the Right wide enough to accommodate all the unwanted. Fundamentalist, traditionalist, anti-west, anti-American foreign policy, pro-Taliban, all are unwanted. They are all not required now; some of them were indeed required to balance the equation when it was imperative to fight the Red Army. The freedom fighters backed by CIA, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan were called terrorist by Soviet Union. Today they are called terrorist by CIA, Pakistan amongst others. Better yet, they also have a name Al-Qaeda, and other Aliases too. Who is a terrorist? How do you define terrorism? Were the militants inside Lal Masjid terrorist? Is killing our own people by our own army terrorism? Can we label all those whom we trained for the last two decades before 9/11 in guerilla warfare terrorist just because we don’t need them anymore? Were the mujaheedins fighting in Kashmir terrorist? Was the Indian army involved in state terrorism? Is Hamas a terrorist organization, if so then why is Fatah’s history of violence suddenly ignored? What about the holocaust in making of Palestinians courtesy of the great wall that Israel is building? Killing millions in the Jewish holocaust is terrorism but killing at least 3 million in Vietnam War is not? Taliban are terrorists now, but they were surely our beloved in another timeline. Killing thousands of people as collateral damage is fine, but when the killer is on the wrong side of the fence he is a terrorist. Before the American independence war British too labeled George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others as terrorist, with time they became founders of a nation and were called patriots.
There is no place for the religious right in this country so it seems the establishment has decided. Unfiltered content is being shoved into our minds daily by some private television channels, magazines, radio channels, shady non profit organizations, celebrities. The inner will of the nation is being changed by hook or by crook. Albert Einstein once said "The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses." Pakistan is not Turkey which can be changed in few years from a fundamentally religious country to a secular country. Turkish nation was totally different from Pakistani nation. Turks, were very well educated, culturally and historically well versed, had built Ottoman Empire to reflect their past glory. Lastly Ata Turk with all his evil was in fact a Military Commander who did fight British at Gallipoli with true brilliance. He was not like Musharaf who could not handle Kargil and blamed the Prime Minister for the mishandling of the War. Pakistan is a different country; Pakistanis are very loosely tied to each other as a nation only on the fine thread of religion. There is no nationalism in Pakistan like there is in Turkey, or even India. If this thread of religion is broken and people are split into being for or against religion then it will have disastrous consequences for the country. The message that is being sent to the people is, it’s ok to have massage parlors, dance places, fashion shows, music concerts but it’s totally unacceptable if there are few mosques in Islamabad. What a bad impression it might make to our beloved friends visiting from western world. When foreigners come to Islamabad they should be catered to by five or six star luxury hotels, where exquisite wine and alcohol should mesmerize them. One phone call should arrange for them expensive mistresses. Were those mosques the only illegitimate buildings in the country, and why did the government not do anything about it for many years. Our religious text taught in school books was changes over night. Madares had to register with government and they have to teach “worldly education” also to the students. Why did the government not start by educating our dumb, intellectually zero parliament? The infiltration of propaganda and mass deception is too much to write in few lines. Capitalism has completely taken the Pakistani nation hostage. Books depicting similar events in every details have been written on countries which got the same treatment, Iran, Panama, Vietnam, Chile, Mexico are just few examples.
The government is planning another military operation in Waziristan and Swat area. For operations like the one in Waziristan Pyrrhus of Epirus is quoted to have said “one more such victory and we have had it”. Reports are also coming in that the peace treaty with the local Taliban (a pathetic term used to describe any local resident who is against the government) is broken and three division (bigger than a brigade in normal circumstances) troops are being sent there. All are signs that much violence and chaos is in store in coming days. Only tears will not be shed but blood too will be shed and it will be our own blood and blood is equally real. Our own people are radicalized by our government’s wrong policies. Our Army is being forced to fight against our own people. The situation in Pakistan can be termed “me against my brother” (was also name of a book written by Scott Patterson on Civil War in different African countries).
There is no easy way out for Pakistan. First part of the puzzle is to get rid of this regime which is headed by Gen. Musharaf who is fast becoming a brutal dictator. This is not an easy solution West at the moment is in chorus with the General. But the good thing about the law of nature is that all things good or evil deeds come to an end. The ship will float for a while but eventually it will sink. Should we sink with the ship? Or should we jump in the sea, if we can that is? Can we disobey Uncle Sam? Or should we continue the unholy alliance? And are we willing to bear the cost of this alliance. Remember that most massacres and civil wars took place within few days and few hours. Tragically it took a long time to bury the dead.
Talha Mujaddidi
Terrorism or Counter-terrorism
“I always wanted to be a soldier for my country”. Suicide Bomber said to himself. But I am a soldier, or am I? He was sitting on the last seat of “Bus 66”; there were a lot of people in the bus today, just like any other day. “I wanted to give my life for my country on the battle field. This is also a battle, if I die now, I can make a mark in our struggle for freedom. But this is suicide, I can’t do this! This is a war, and in war you can give your life for your country or political ideology. Yes, I should complete my mission.
This could have been the last thoughts that might have gone through a suicide bombers mind during the numerous suicide bombings that took place during the last few decades. Suicide bombing have been the most notorious act of modern day terrorism. Japanese Kamikaze pilots were suicide bombers in the Second World War as they crashed their planes into American ships. French rule in
When a suicide bomber decided to end his life and take with him others to the unknown world he is labeled as a bloodless terrorist. A person who is willing to kill himself for his/her political cause is not a mad man. He is been well programmed to accomplish his mission. Root cause of terrorism is always political injustice, racism, cast, creed, religion, nationalism, communism, acts as catalysts. As noted by Professor Robert Pape of
There are always two sides to every equation, the universal law of nature, which
The fact of the matter is that there is no standard definition of terrorism. Terrorism expert Walter Laqueur has counted over 100 definitions of terrorism. Most common statement made on terrorism is “one man’s terrorism is another mans freedom fight”. This was echoed again by Nelson Mandela in an interview with Larry King in May 2000. “I was called a terrorist yesterday, but when I came out of jail, many people embraced me, including my enemies, and that is what I normally tell other people who say those who are struggling for liberation in their country are terrorists. I tell them that I was also a terrorist yesterday, but, today, I am admired by the very people who said I was one”. Unlike the rhetoric that emanated from the government and other popular circles of United States, specially Fox News channel, the reality is that Al-Qaeda, or terrorist who are from the Islamic World do not hate America because of freedom, democracy, or the American way of life. People in the Islamic world are against the foreign policy of
The word terrorism is just too complex to define clearly. The only thing that can be generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and threat of violence, and that killing of innocent people can not be justified in any way. Jason Burke, an expert in radical Islamic activity, has this to say on the word “terrorism” in his book Al-Qaeda, ch.2, p.22, “There are multiple ways of defining terrorism, and all are subjective. Most define terrorism as 'the use or threat of serious violence' to advance some kind of 'cause'. Some state clearly the kinds of group ('sub-national', 'non-state') or cause (political, ideological, and religious) to which they refer. Others merely rely on the instinct of most people when confronted with innocent civilians being killed or maimed by men armed with explosives, firearms or other weapons. None is satisfactory, and grave problems with the use of the term persist. Terrorism is after all, a tactic. The term 'war on terrorism' is thus effectively nonsensical. As there is no space here to explore this involved and difficult debate, my preference is, on the whole, for the less loaded term 'militancy'. This is not an attempt to condone such actions, merely to analyze them in a clearer way.”
Terrorism can never be defined clearly, whenever a revolution, a freedom movement was fought in the name of freedom, liberation, right of self determination, it was associated with terrorism by those opposing it. Most of the time those opposing such indigenous movements were colonial powers
Talha Mujaddidi
Bottom of Form
WAKE UP!!!!!
“Another such victory and we have had it” King Pyrrhus of Epirus
This ancient quote comes to my mind after the recent election results were announced in Pakistan. The old crooks are back with gloss and glitter. The humble forgetful people of Pakistan are happy to welcome them back into power. People have short memories, it is true for any nation, but a nation that forgets its history, its geography is changed by its enemies. Napoleon predicted China’s emergence as a global power long before anyone else could, he said, “Let China sleep, for when she awakes she will shake the world”. Unfortunately Napoleon was not around to witness the state of affairs of Pakistan, for he might have said, “Let Pakistanis sleep for when they awake there shall be no more Pakistan, and the world shall laugh at you”.
Democracy in Pakistan means nothing more than a breeding ground for robber barons and scoundrels. Pakistan has a literacy rate of 40% and according to the latest UN Human Development Report one of the few countries in the world which has a declining literacy rates. Literate in Pakistan means anyone who can read and write their name. The electoral constituencies in Pakistan are nothing more than family holdings, where elections results have produced the same people every time elections have been held. Only change has been the different family members switching political parties, with half the family members sitting in opposition and half in government.
The political background of Pakistan is very complex yet simple at the same time. The Indian sub continent was ruled by Mughals for a longtime. When Shah Jehan was the King, Mughal Empire was becoming huge. In order to rule efficiently the Mughals had divided the empire into provinces which were further divided into cities, and towns. Further sub-division led to the creation of zameens, or land holdings ruled by zamindar, which were loyal to the Mughal Empire, they paid taxes, maintained an army, which was also loyal to the Mughal King. When the sun set on the Mughal Empire Punjab was over run and ruled by Sikhs, the zameendars in no mood to let go off their power and prestige simply removed the Mughal Flag and replaced it with Sikh Flag. Then Sikhs were over thrown by British Empire the zameendars removed the Portrait of Raja Duleep Singh and replaced it with the Queen. These zameendars were not interested in anything else but maintaining their own power. Zameendars of Punjab were the most active among all. They happily had served in Mughal, Sikh and British armies. When the zameendars saw that creation of Pakistan was inevitable they started joining the Muslim League, and labeled themselves patriots. “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels” – Samuel Johnson
The British created their Unionist Party which openly called for the British to remain in India, and was totally against the creation of Pakistan. Almost all the zameendars of Punjab joined this party. The situation in Sind was similar, and the famous families of Sind and Punjab were getting their monthly stipends from British Empire. Chandios, Mengals, Talpus, Tiwana, Jamali, Ghutani, Bazinjo, Bughti, Khan of Kalat, Mukhdoom family of Punjab, Aitezaz Ahsan’s grandfather, Hamid Nasir Chatta’s grandfather, Shahnawaz Bhutto, Sikander Hiyat are just few prominent names from a very long laundry list of families whose allegiance for a few hundred years have not been with the people whose lives they are destined to destroy, but with their masters elsewhere. The irony is that the current political leaders are the grand children or direct relatives of these same people. The election result has not bought any change, we can have elections every year but it will never bring any change until we change the system once and for all. Doing that is a mighty task.
The situation right now is that humble people of Pakistan think that new government will reduce the prices of food item, create jobs, restore judiciary, etc. Nothing of this sort is possible, Inflation standing at 12% will increase, gas prices are going to be increased, trade deficit already worst in our history will grow completely out of control. Both Nawaz League and PPP are completely incompetent to provide any direction to the nation. Both these parties are corrupt to the core, most of their party members are the same landlords who are not interested in anything else but making more money. ANP, another party that Is in coalition with PML(n) and PPP, was founded by Abdul Ghaffar Khan, who was called “frontier Gandhi”, because of his allegiance to Indian Congress and his anti Pakistan stance. ANP still is a sub nationalist anti-state party. As Mohammad Ali Jinnah said “Every successive government of Pakistan will be worst than its predecessor”. Equally useless are the other political parties. Law and order situation is not going to improve either. The coalition of thugs will eventually collapse. Talk of restoring the Chief Justice is pretty childish for everyone should realize that Big Brother does not like some Chief Justice interfering in their war on terror. Americans have no interest in our political process, their strategic interests are at the moment well maintained by GHQ and they will always be concerned with the army chief. There is no grass root movement, no real democratic socialist movement that can up root these thugs.
Under the umbrella of globalization the world is becoming completely capitalized. Capitalized economy has only served the interest of the elite class. The rich has become richer and the poor have become poorer. The European countries have modeled themselves on socialist-democracy, hence their nations are better off economically and socially than Big Brother. Malaysia Is another example of a nation that was smart enough to keep a distance from the IMF and World Bank right after the 1997 South East Asian Economic crisis. Recently countries in South America are slowly transforming themselves from market economies to socialist economies. Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela are some examples. Coming back to Pakistan, the main problem is that we need a political party that has realized the main problem of the nation. The main problem is that we need to transform ourselves from capitalistic nation to a socialist nation. At the moment there is no political party that is either nationalist or working towards socialist democracy. Until there is a political party that is working to free us from the chains of capitalistic slavery we should not expect any change in the lives of the common man.
What we need in Pakistan is a complete overhaul of the system, we need to get rid of these tyrants and robber barons who have become our leaders in the name of patriotism, as Thomas Jefferson said, “tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” It’s high time that we wake up from our slumber and decipher the cheap rhetoric that our politicians have been feeding us from a very longtime.
Talha Mujaddidi